PDC Support is open over the summer vacation

Responses may take a bit longer from 24 June to 16 August as fewer staff are on duty during the vacation period.

PDC is looking for two HPC system managers  - closing date for applications is 15 August 2024.

The Dardel CPU & GPU partitions are both operational and there is a workaround for the issue with some jobs hanging - click for more information (updated on 26 June 2024) .

Press release : Oblique Therapeutics and KTH have just entered into a strategic collaboration to analyse protein structures using supercomputers for research into developing new drugs for pain management, treating migraine and more.

The spring/summer PDC newsletter is now available: you can read a pdf version  of the full newsletter or read the main articles online .

PDC Center for High Performance Computing

PDC runs the Dardel high performance computing (HPC) system  which is currently the fastest supercomputer for academic research in Sweden. The system is mainly funded by the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden ( NAISS ). To assist with academic research  and business R&D , PDC also provides data storage facilities , application experts  and other services, including HPC training . In addition, PDC is involved in a range of international and national research projects and infrastructures .

PDC Events

PDC is a key collaborator with NAISS .