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Projects PDC participates in

PDC takes part in various European, Nordic and national projects to improve the HPC infrastructure for research in Sweden and the EU and to assist academic researchers and/or industry R&D personnel to use those HPC resources to facilitate their research.

For example, such projects focus on topics like improving or developing research software and applications to take advantage of faster systems or new architectures, making research data easier to access and re-use, or improving coding skills and practices.

PDC also partners with various national, European and worldwide HPC organisations to support researchers using HPC. For more information about these, see PDC’s HPC partner organisations .

Current international projects

Click on the links for information about these projects PDC is participating in.

Current national and local projects

Click on the logos for information about the projects.

Previous projects

Click here  to read about some recently completed projects that PDC participated in or ongoing projects where PDC's participation has ended.