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Information about PDC

Press releases, news and newsletters from PDC

Background: What is a supercomputer?

How are supercomputer resources for research organised in Sweden?

Images from PDC

See the PDC images folder  for high-resolution images of the current PDC supercomputer and some of the PDC staff. Images of some earlier systems can be found in the information about previous PDC systems .

Logos related to PDC

PDC is hosted at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and is a key associate of the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS). PDC does not have a logo as it part of KTH. The KTH and NAISS logos are often used in relation to PDC.

KTH Logo

Versions of the KTH logo can be downloaded from .


Versions of the NAISS logo may be obtained by contacting NAISS .

Looking for other information or images relating to PDC?

If you need other information or images relating to PDC, please contact PDC Support  and let us know what you need.