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Get ready to accelerate your HPC research!

Published Feb 05, 2020

PDC is in the process of procuring a new system to replace Beskow and Tegner. (For more details, see the editorial in the most recent PDC newsletter .) The new system should be up and running by the end of 2020 or early 2021. Meanwhile, are you getting ready to make use of the increased speed and capacity of the improved hardware once the new system is in place?

As part of the procurement process, PDC is hosting a series of workshops and seminars about using hardware that is being proposed by various vendors for the new PDC system. HPC software developers and power users are welcome to attend these events to learn about exciting new hardware options. For information about these seminars and workshops, join the pdc-announce mailing list , follow PDC on Facebook  or keep an eye on the PDC events calendar .