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Webinar: Introduction to Code-Saturne

A free open-source code for CFD applications

This webinar is suitable for researchers who already have experience using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes. While this webinar is primarily geared for R&D personnel from the industrial/business arena, academic researchers and research software engineers with expertise in the CFD area are also welcome to attend.

Time: Fri 2024-04-26 15.00 - 16.00

Location: Online via Zoom

Video link:

Language: English

Participating: Nicolas Tonello, ConstelCom and Renuda, UK

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Code-Saturne ( ) is an open-source CFD code that solves the Navier-Stokes equations with scalar transport for 2D, 2D-axisymmetric and 3D flows, whether steady or unsteady, laminar or turbulent, incompressible, dilatable, or weakly compressible, isothermal or not. Code-Saturne appears to scale better than some similar open-source codes when it comes to I/O and memory bandwidth, so it may be of interest to many of you who work with CFD in your R&D or research processes.

To help you take advantage of Code-Saturne, PDC invites you to a one hour introductory webinar by Nicolas Tonello from ConstelCom and Renuda in the UK. Nicolas has a lot of experience using the code on a daily basis to help the ConstelCom and Renuda business customers with their CFD challenges. There will be plenty of time set aside during the webinar to ask concrete in-depth questions about using Code-Saturne and the development and research communities behind the code.

For those of you who are interested in adopting Code-Saturne after the webinar, please note that, going forwards, PDC will be offering support for R&D personnel and researchers who want to start using Code-Saturne.