Dardel Supercomputer Inauguration
NAISS and PDC invite researchers from the academic, public and private sectors, as well as others who are interested in high-performance computing, to the inauguration of Dardel, the most powerful computing system in Sweden.
When you register for the inauguration, you may also sign up for a tour of the PDC computer hall to see Dardel and learn about the infrastructure that keeps such a massive system functioning.
Time: Wed 2023-08-23 13.00 - 16.45
Location: Room F2, Lindstedtsvägen 26, KTH, 114 28 Stockholm
Language: English
Introduction to the Dardel Inauguration
Dardel is an HPE Cray EX system that is one of the flagship supercomputers of the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS). The system is hosted by the PDC Center for High Performance Computing at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and has been installed in several steps. The CPU partition was deployed in 2021, and the installation of the GPU partition, plus several significant upgrades to the first phase, were completed recently, so now the complete Dardel system is up and running. The Dardel Inauguration marks this notable occasion.

- 13.00-14.00: Dardel background and inauguration
- Host: Patrick Norman, Director of PDC
- Speakers:
- Anders Söderholm, President of KTH
- Gert Svensson, Deputy Director of PDC
- Jan-Eric Sundgren, Chairman of NAISS Steering Committee
- Katarina Bjelke, Director General of the Swedish Research Council
- Trish Damkroger, Senior Vice President, HPE
- Jay Kirkland, Corporate Vice President Platform Solutions Engineering, DCGPU, AMD
- Niklas Melin, Head of Simulation Enablement, Scania
14.00-15.00: Refreshments
- 14.20-14.50: VIP tour of the computer hall for speakers
- 15.00-16.00: Scientific use cases run on Dardel
- Presentation of three research codes developed at PDC:
- GROMACS for Molecular Dynamics – Erik Lindahl, KTH
- Neko for Computational Fluid Dynamics – Niclas Jansson, PDC
- VeloxChem for Quantum Chemistry – Patrick Norman, PDC
- Presentation of three research codes developed at PDC:
- 16.00-16.45: The life of Thora Dardel
Tours of PDC computer hall
People who attend the inauguration are invited to attend a tour of the PDC computer hall. If all of the currently listed tours become booked up, additional tours will be added.
- 12.15-12.45: PDC Computer Hall Tour 1 - fully booked
- 16.00-16.30: PDC Computer Hall Tour 2 - fully booked
- 16.45-17.15: PDC Computer Hall Tour 3 - places available
Please register at www.kth.se/form/dardel-inauguration-2023 to attend the inauguration. When you register to attend the inauguration, you may also sign up for one of the tours of the PDC computer hall on 23 August.
Note: If you are attending the PDC Summer School from 14-25 August, please register for the inauguration at www.kth.se/form/dardel-inauguration-for-pdc-summer-school-attendees as places have been reserved for summer school attendees. When summer school attendees register, they will be able to sign up for tours of the PDC computer hall that will be held as part of the summer school in the week before the inauguration.