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Recent PRACE Developments within the HPC Ecosystem

Lilit Axner, PDC


On the 28th and 29th of May 2019 in Bratislava PRACE 6IP started with a kick-off. All 26 member countries gathered to discuss the work plan, opportunities and ambitions for the coming two years. As was mentioned in our previous newsletters, there are two major changes that will happen within 6IP.

1. The DECI optional program is being reorganized and merged even more closely within PRACE.

2. A new work package within PRACE-6IP is dedicated to so-called “Forward-looking Software Solutions Projects”, where ten software projects will be selected to be worked on.

For this second change, PRACE launched an internal call for applications in order to select a list of software to work on. As a result of the first call, 34 letters of intent were received, for which 15 proposals were later submitted.

The submission and review process was conducted according to the timeline agreed on in the written consultation between the partners. In particular, the platform for proposal submissions opened on the 30th of May 2018 and closed on the 30th of August (with the first submission being received on the 28th of August), proposals were sent for review from the 13th of September onwards, and the review deadline was extended to the 1st of November. The Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) ranking meeting was held on the 15th of November, which was then followed by the management board meeting for the funding decision on the 11th of December 2018. After the deliberations, eight proposals were accepted to be developed as forward-looking software solutions.

Project Title: Particle kinetic codes for Exascale plasma simulation
Project Leader: Paul Gibbon, Jülich Supercomputing Centre

Project Title: Modernisation of Plasma Physics Simulation Codes for Heterogeneous Exascale Architectures
Project Leader: Martti Louhivuori, CSC

Project Title: Linear Algebra, Krylov-subspace methods, and multi-grid solvers for the discovery of New Physics (LyNcs)
Project Leader: Constantia Alexandrou, CaSToRC, The Cyprus Institute

Project Title: Performance portable linear algebra
Project Leader: ETH Zurich

Project Title: Performance Portable Communication Layer for Grid Applications
Project Leader: Mauro Bianco Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)

Project Title: LoSync - Synchronisation reducing programming techniques and runtime support
Project Leader:  Mark Bull, UEDIN

Project Title: NB-LIB: Performance portable library for N-body force calculations at the Exascale
Project Leader: Prof. Erwin Laure, KTH

Project Title: FEM/BEM based domain decomposition solvers
Project Leader: IT4Innovations

Currently, the second internal call for applications is open with the intention being to accept from two to four applications.


Another interesting activity involving PRACE has been the development of the European HPC Ecosystem that was initiated by PRACE and its 26 partners over the last ten years. As you know, PRACE is supported by the PRACE member states and through the EU by a series of implementation projects, and thus PRACE can weave a common European umbrella over national HPC ecosystems. PRACE has become a trusted liaison between HPC-infrastructures and European HPC users, involving highly rated advisory committees with members from the academic and industrial sectors.

PRACE and EuroHPC have missions that are almost complementary. While EuroHPC acts as a high-level financing agency and must essentially be a top-down activity, PRACE is a science-driven infrastructure developed as a bottom-up activity. Joining both of these together in a strong partnership will create the best possible synergies for the benefit of European research communities. More information about these developments can be found at .

Third Edition of the PRACE Scientific Case for Computing in Europe 2018–2026

The third edition  of the PRACE Scientific Case for Computing in Europe for 2018-2026 continues a tradition established by the HPC in Europe Taskforce (HET) at the beginning of the PRACE project and supports the vision that the PRACE infrastructure will enable high-impact scientific discovery and engineering research and development across all disciplines in Europe. It provides a clear overview of the achievements of computational science across various domains. While producing this document, the PRACE Council received recommendations from the PRACE SSC which were analysed and taken into account to further fulfil PRACE’s mission. You can find a description of this and the scientific case in the complete document which is available at .