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Friday 16 August - online

(Online) Introduction to PDC

Henric Zazzi

Monday 19 August - in person at KTH

Welcome & Introduction (pdf 1.9 MB)

Stefano Markidis


Transformers: Age of parallel machines - Part I (pdf 2.3 MB)
(A biased introduction to computer architecture)

Ana Lucia Varbenescu


break drink and snack provided

Transformers: Age of parallel machines - Part II (pdf 4.7 MB)
(A biased introduction to computer architecture)

Click for extended version of lecture material (pdf 6.0 MB) .

Ana Lucia Varbenescu


​​​​​​​Introduction to FDD3260 (pdf 212 kB) ​​​​​​​: “High-Performance
Computing for Computational Scientists”
(closed session)

Stefano Markidis
12:00-13:15 lunch break -

Research Software Engineering for HPC
( lecture )

Radovan Bast
14:15-15:30 Research Software Engineering for HPC
( hands-on lab session )
Johan Hellsvik
15:30-16:00 break

drink and snack provided

16:00-17:00 Sustainability Aspects in Supercomputing

Stefano Markidis

Tuesday 20 August
8:30-9:30 OpenMP-CPU
Niclas Jansson
9:30-10:00 break drink and snack provided

(hands-on session)

Mentors: Johan Hellsvik &
Arash Alizad Banaei

11:00-12:00 GPU Architecture and Programming Models

Tim Dykes  & Harvey Richardson

12:00-13:15 lunch break -
13:15-14:15 OpenMP-GPU
Niclas Jansson
14:15-15:30 OpenMP-GPU
(hands-on lab session)

Mentors: Jing Gong & Jonathan Vincent

15:30-16:00 break drink and snack provided

Performance Analysis: Methodology, Tools,
and Metrics

Joan Vinyals Ylla Català


Tour of PDC Computer Hall and Dardel
Note: Registration for the tours will be done on
the first day. Max. group size for each tour is 20.

Luca Manzari
Wednesday 21 August

Introductory Programming of AMD GPUs with HIP

Tim Dykes  & Harvey Richardson
9:30-10:00 break drink and snack provided

Introductory Programming of AMD GPUs with HIP
(hands-on session)

Mentors: Jonathan Vincent, Jing Gong
& Xin Li


Neko: A Modern, Portable, and Scalable Framework
for High-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics

Niclas Jansson
12:00-13:15 lunch break -
13:15-14:15 Advanced GPU Programming, Debugging,
and Profiling


Tim Dykes  & Harvey Richardson
14:15-15:30 Advanced GPU Programming, Debugging,
and Profiling
(hands-on session)
Mentors: Jing Gong & Jonathan Vincent
15:30-16:00 break drink and snack provided

Portability Across GPU Architectures and
Programming Languages
(lecture & hands-on session)

Tim Dykes  & Harvey Richardson

Mentor: Javier Aguilar Fruto


Tour of PDC Computer Hall and Dardel
Note: Registration for the tours will be done on
the first day. Max. group size for each tour is 20.

Luca Manzari
Thursday 22 August

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Distributed Memory Computing (pdf 1.7 MB) ​​​​​​​ - Introduction to MPI
Part I (lecture & hands-on session)

Erwin Laure
Mentors: Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt

9:30-10:00 break drink and snack provided

Distributed Memory Computing - Introduction to MPI
Part II (lecture & hands-on session)

Erwin Laure
Mentors: Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt

GROMACS: Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics
Evolving along with Hardware

Szilárd Páll
12:00-13:15 lunch break -
13:15-14:15 Distributed Memory Computing - Introduction to MPI
Part III (lecture & hands-on session)
Erwin Laure
Mentors: ​​​​​​​Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt
14:15-15:30 Distributed Memory Computing - Introduction to MPI
Part IV ​​​​(lecture & hands-on session)
Erwin Laure
Mentors: ​​​​​​​Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt
15:30-16:00 break drink and snack provided
16:00-17:00 PDC and the Swedish HPC Landscape

Patrick Norman ​​​​​​​

Friday 23 August

Distributed Memory Computing - Introduction to MPI
Part V ​​​​(lecture & hands-on session)

Erwin Laure
Mentors: ​​​​​​​Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt
9:30-10:00 break drink and snack provided
10:00-11:00 Distributed Memory Computing - Introduction to MPI
Part VI ​​​​(lecture & hands-on session)
Erwin Laure
Mentors: Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt
11:00-12:00 VeloxChem - Quantum Molecular Modelling in
HPC Environments
Xin Li
12:00-13:15 lunch break -
13:15-14:15 Distributed Memory Computing - Introduction to MPI
Part VII ​​​​(lecture & hands-on session)

Erwin Laure
Mentors: Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt

14:15-15:30 Distributed Memory Computing - Introduction to MPI
Part VIII ​​​​(lecture & hands-on session)
Erwin Laure
Mentors: Niclas Jansson  &
Mikael Djurfeldt
15:30-16:00 break drink and snack provided
16:00-17:00 Dardel MPI Tools
(lecture & hands-on session)

Niclas Jansson
Mentor: Javier Aguilar Fruto

17:00-18:00 Closing Remarks