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AI February at ENCCS

Lilit Axner, ENCCS

Have you considered getting acquainted with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning or deep learning? Or maybe you have been using them in your software solutions for a while now and would like to deepen your knowledge?

In either case, you are more than welcome to attend the series of ENCCS training events dedicated to AI, deep learning and machine learning that will be starting on the 26th of January 2022 and running through all of February 2022.

In recent years we have seen an exponential growth in the interest shown by researchers (whether within academia, industry or the public sector) regarding AI, machine learning and deep learning. Some researchers are switching from traditional simulations to machine learning methods; some only use machine learning for data analysis, while others combine both of these approaches.

ENCCS was established to help Swedish researchers along these paths. This year we offered a series of five training events based on your feedback to our surveys. However, we promise to cover further topics in this exciting journey within AI in the coming year. The training topics that will be covered in January and February next year are:

  • AI as a Tool for Change,
  • Upscaling AI with Containers,
  • Advanced Deep Learning with Graph Neural Networks and Transformers,
  • Julia for High-Performance Scientific Computing, and
  • Introduction to Deep-Learning.

You are welcome to register for these at , and to keep updated on new training events run by ENCCS, please register for our newsletter: .