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Phase 1 of Dardel arrives at PDC

On Monday the 2nd of August 2021, the main components of the first phase of Dardel were delivered to KTH and then moved into the PDC computer hall.

If you missed the preparations for the arrival, you can go back and see them here.

Staff from PDC, KTH and HPE gathered at PDC for an early morning start at 7.30am. Work continued throughout the day until the four compute racks and the temperature control unit of the first phase of Dardel had been set up in the computer hall.

The big day has arrived! There's no organization without communication: let's start with an outdoor briefing since the weather is so nice!
The first batch of trucks arrive at KTH: they carry the precious Dardel cabinets, as well as some of the special purpose-made tools needed to assemble them.
A forklift starts to bring in the payload (in this case, a cabinet --- well, not just "a cabinet", but the first compute rack) from the truck... just outside room 239 (which is the cargo bay for the PDC computer hall)...
...and then through the outermost door, after some of the packing material has been removed.
Once the plastic is removed, everybody is in awe for a moment... and how can you blame them? It is indeed a mighty piece of machinery!
Dardel is mighty - and also extremely heavy! So the compute blades are temporarily removed...
...and stored in a purpose-made holder to make it easier to move the cabinet from the cargo bay to its final destination... the PDC computer hall (or room 240).
At this point the special holder for the compute blades is shifted into the computer hall...
...and the compute blades are popped back in place in the cabinet. Awesome!
A second cabinet (another compute rack) follows... well as a third...
...and finally the fourth compute rack comes in!
Ah yes, we are going to need something to control the temperature of all these compute racks! We must remember to add the CDU (coolant distribution unit) cabinet too.
Some collaborative effort to get the CDU rolling...
...and we're done! The "compute" part of Dardel is in place - hooray!
And everything seems to be in place on the far side too! Wow, what a day --- yes, the Eagle, er, Dardel has landed!
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow as storage racks creep into the computer hall...